Challenge #14

An archaeologist found some vessels during excavations in the ruins of an Inca city. There were 5 vessels of different sizes with the names MUG, LUG, PUG, BUG and HUG inscribed. Studying some writings that were next to the vases, he found that their names were incorrect. Put the correct names on the pots, knowing that the writings say:
– a LUG is greater than a BUG;
– a MUG is never the smallest;
– a LUG is not the largest;
– only one vessel is smaller than a HUG;
– a PUG is greater than a MUG;
– there is more than one vessel larger than one MUG.

Challenge #12


At my friend Gauss's house we were offered a new variety of sudoku games. It is a matter of placing the numbers from 1 to 6 arranged in rows and columns without repeating them,
so that the numbers of two places that share a black dot are double
each other and those that share a white dot are consecutive numbers. They may
complete this special sudoku?

Challenge #11

Meias e Luvas!

Socks and Gloves! Meias e Luvas!

Miguel keeps his socks and gloves in a drawer in his
wardrobe. There are six pairs of blue socks, five pairs
in green socks, four pairs of black gloves and three
pairs of gray gloves.
Unfortunately the drawer is quite untidy and the
several pieces are all mixed together.
One winter morning, it was still dark and the
light. Miguel needed a pair of socks and another one for
gloves, but, due to the cold, his hands were frozen and
I couldn’t tell a sock from a glove.
What is the least number of pieces he has to take out of
drawer to make sure you have a pair of matching socks
and another with gloves of the same color?
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